Get Your Chimney Swept for the New Year

The start of the New Year is a great time to make resolutions: to eat healthier, spend more time with family, travel, and many more. In addition to your regular resolutions, this year resolve to take better care of your chimney! Chimneys should be swept and inspected...

Why to Consider Fireplace Inserts

While many homeowners love the look and feel of a crackling fire during the winter, the care and upkeep of traditional wood burning fireplaces can often be overwhelming. Because of that, more and more people are upgrading their fireplaces using fireplace inserts....

Schedule Your Chimney Service Today

Summer has finally faded away, and fall enthusiastically took its place. The cool winds have begun blowing leaves from the colorful trees, and people are starting to bundle up a bit before heading out for the day. This is the season of raking leaves, carving pumpkins...

The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide

While gas and wood-burning appliances are a necessity during the winter months in almost every home, many homeowners fail to realize the danger they may pose if their heaters, stoves, furnaces, or fireplaces are not properly inspected and maintained. Carbon monoxide...