Protect Your Chimney With Professional Chimney Cap Installations by Mason’s Chimney Service

Keeping your house in great shape is important, but unexpected chimney and fireplace repairs can quickly drain your wallet and interrupt your plans to use your money for more enjoyable things like that vacation you’ve been dreaming of for years. Fortunately, there’s a way to protect your home against costly chimney-related issues with a relatively small investment – a chimney cap.

A chimney cap may not look like much, but it can prevent a surprising amount of damage to your home and save you money in the future. If you’re missing a chimney cap or you need to upgrade the one you have, call Mason’s Chimney Service at 800-559-6276 or reach out to us online!

What Is a Chimney Cap?

Odds are – at least we hope – there is a metal (typically made of stainless steel, aluminum, or copper) cap installed at the very top of your chimney. The chimney cap might look like a small part of your chimney system, but it’s performing a big role in keeping it in top shape. Beyond adding a little décor to your chimney, the chimney cap is performing some important functions that include the following:

Protection Against Water

We can’t say this often enough, but it bears repeating: water is your chimney’s worst enemy. Without a cap on the top of your flue, it’s wide open to rain, snow, and other precipitation. Adding a chimney cap helps keep water from coming down into your flue, and can help prevent some of the big damage that the encroachment of water will cause over time.

Protection Against Animals

We love keeping our pets safe and warm in our homes, but letting unwanted critters set up shop in our chimneys? It can be annoying and – far worse – unsafe. Birds in particular can nest in your chimney, and the debris they bring in can block your flue and cause a fire hazard. They also tend to bring a lot of loud chirping, foul odors, and potential parasites like fleas.

Chimney swifts love to nest in chimneys – hence the name.  These birds are federally protected so should they nest in your chimney, you’ll have to wait until they leave on their own to assess the damage they’ve caused and try to prevent their return. If you don’t do something to prevent it, they will come back, as chimney swifts are known for returning to the same nesting place year after year.

Chimneys aren’t safe for animals either. The toxins and smoke from a fire can cause them respiratory distress, and the heat and flames can injure them. To put it simply, your chimney shouldn’t be a home for animals. A chimney cap is an important barrier that can help keep them from getting in.

Venting Improvement

Part of your chimney’s job is to vent smoke and gases up and out of your home. It needs to have the proper draft to do that right, and a lot of factors can contribute to improper drafting. If drafting issues are present, your Mason’s Chimney Service technician can help you figure out the causes and solutions. Special, properly installed and sized chimney caps can improve venting by eliminating wind-induced downdrafts. Ask your Mason’s Chimney Service technician about chimney caps today!

How Often Should Chimney Caps Be Replaced?

A chimney cap can last quite a while. Proper maintenance and the type of material it’s made from can play a big role (stainless steel tends to hold up the longest), but keep in mind that they’re not indestructible. Look for signs of damage like rust, warping, or a loose fit, as these can allow water, debris, or animals into your chimney. If it’s damaged beyond repair, or you’ve had a chimney fire, then you may need a new cap.

The best way to monitor your chimney cap for damage is to schedule a chimney inspection at least once a year. One of our expert chimney technicians can tell you if your cap fits correctly and is in good condition. If you need a replacement, they can also walk you through the various options and help you select the right chimney cap.

Keep Your Chimney Safe From Water & Animals

Is your chimney cap damaged or is your chimney currently without a cap at all? Call Mason’s Chimney Service right away. We can help you find a chimney cap that fits your chimney correctly and install it properly so that it lasts. Call us now at 800-559-6276 or book an appointment on our website.


A damper that works properly will do wonders for the safe and efficient operation of your fireplace. Ask us about this basic firerplace installation service.