Preparing for the colder weather that is soon to be upon us? There are countless way homeowners prep for freezing temperatures and, if you have a fireplace, then you know that an annual inspection is essential! The team here at Mason’s Chimney Service is ready and eager to bring the folks of Cherry Hill the best care ever.
Now, one service we always recommend is waterproofing. Learn more about our top-of-the-line products, as well as our leak prevention services, below.
Experiencing A Chimney Leak? Don’t Put Off Repairs!
Now, when it comes to preventing water damage, putting off necessary maintenance is never a good idea. If you have a leak, it will only worsen with time, and easy fixes can turn into expensive reconstruction work before you know it. Calling in an expert to check things over right away is definitely the best route to take!
What types of damage do leaks and excess moisture cause? Well, your brickwork and mortar will break down, your metal components will rust, any adjacent woodwork may start to rot, and you could experience mold accumulation. All in all, your structure will weaken significantly and experience numerous types of decay and deterioration.
To top it off, when water seeps into your bricks, you wind up experience the freeze/thaw process, which puts a lot of extra pressure and strain on your chimney. Not familiar with the term? Basically, as the pre-absorbed moisture freezes and expands, the brickwork expands with it. When it thaws out, the structure settles and, if this occurs multiple times a year, you’re looking at a lot of wear and tear overall.
Why Our Waterproofing Services Last
So, what can you do to guarantee protection? Invest in our long-lasting waterproofing services! Here at Mason’s Chimney, our CSIA certified sweeps use Firesafe’s CrownGuard Water Repellent, which offers high-quality protection, along with vapor-permeability, so your masonry has everything it needs to stay in good shape for the long haul.
Does your crown need care, too? Ask about our ChimneySaver products, which ensure it stays free from water damage, no matter what kind of weather you face. All in all, we have what you need to keep your structure safer for years to come.
We’ve Been Serving The Area For Nearly 65 Years
We’ve been in this industry since 1955, which brings us to nearly six and a half decades of service. We love helping homeowners throughout Cherry Hill and all of its surrounding towns and cities, and we would like nothing better than to handle all of your waterproofing and leak-related needs for the months ahead. Ensure you get the most from your fireplace this holiday season by relying on us now. The care you deserve is just a phone call away!